Hey everyone! Hubby and I returned last night from our wonderful trip in Orlando. It was fabulous! We had such a fun time but are happy to be home, however we won't be home for long. On Monday we fly to Paris! Yes, Paris! I am very excited! We are going to Paris and Spain for two weeks. Micah has always wanted to take me to the cities he lived at in Spain while he served a mission there for two years. His dream is coming true, and at the same time he is making mine come true! There is a direct flight to Paris that we are taking and we were going to just hop on a plane right to Spain but of course I had to beg to stay in Paris for at least a few days. So we are! Our hotel is right down the street from a Laduree and Piere Herme! I am so excited to eat Parisian macaroons from Lauderee! And I am excited to share pictures with all of you so even though I will be traveling I promise I will keep up with my posts. I woud have done a few posts in Florida except I forgot the cord that downloads pics on my lap top. So anyway here are some pictures of my trip! Of course most of them involve food:)
Also if any of you have ever been to Paris and have any favorite places to visit please let me know!
infront of cinderellas castle with my prince charming:)
My favorite ride was the Toy Story ride! It was such a blast
and it was in 3D! It was such a fun ride because you got a device where if you
pulled the string on it it shot our little balls that hit certain targets you
were aiming for. It gives you a final score at the end and I
beat Micah both times!
We ate one these mickey ice cream bars about
everyday. They were so good!
All Micah could talk about at the park was getting a turkey leg.
He was so excited when we found them!
The menu was very simple...
OK-some of you may think that this turkey leg looks delicious and some
may think that it looks disgusting. Micah thought it
was delicious, I thought it was disgusting!
It was so huge, he looked a bit barbaric walking around with it!
happiest place on earth!
resist! We got some red velvet Disney Cupcakes, I was so
excited to try them but didn't have high hopes. But let me tell ya
they were delish! The frosting was amazing and they
were probably one of my favorite red velvet cupcakes
I have had, a little dry but the flavor was amazing.
This was the balcony of our hotel room. The Gaylord Palms resort
was the coolest place. It was like we lived in a bubble with
it's own city!
And let me just indulge one last time with a pic of me and
my sweet heart, he is so darling and I am so glad
I was able to go on such a fun trip with him.
Looks like you had a blast! Wish we could have been there with you :) Some other time maybe?